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Supportive and Consumer Directed Services


It can be very frustrating to lose our ability to perform daily tasks. But with the right provider of home care services in Missouri, you can get your life back and live it the way you want it to be through supportive and consumer-directed services.

  • Consumer Directed Services

    These services are perfect for the aged and disabled in St. Louis City. Because of their age and disability, they need support in performing activities of daily living. With this, your loved ones get assistance in meal preparation, essential homecare and housekeeping, medication reminders and pick-ups, transportation, and more.

  • Supportive Services

    Taking care of your family while juggling work and providing elderly care in Florissant, Missouri, can be overwhelming. Consumer-directed services are for your loved ones alone, while supportive services are tailored to provide support for both you and your loved ones. So, if you are occupied with many tasks, this is right for you.

Utility, medication, housing, and food assistance form part of this service.

At Quality Assurance Services, you get both services with so much quality. We also provide in-home care services in Jefferson County and other counties in Missouri. To know more about how we can help you and your loved ones, don’t hesitate to inquire with us. Reach out.

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caregiver and group of seniors

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